Sunday, August 26, 2012

Shediac...Land of the Lobsta'

    Shediac is a small town located right before the confederation bridge to Prince Edward Island. You will be greeted upon arrival by the gigantic lobster at the tourist info center which provides some fun photos.
    I was very excited upon arrival in hopes of finding the cheap Lobsta' (yes the word lobster has been transformed into 'lobsta' on the road trip) and couldn't wait to start searching.  We first drove to the pier where you are charged $2 to drive in and park and quite honestly see not much of anything. I was expecting some little seafood shacks or fishing boats to look at, but there was nothing more than two overpriced restaurants (not even serving lobster). Although I will note that there was a large cement wall with ladders that people were diving off of that looked like a good place to go for a swim.  We climbed back into the sweltering van to head back on the road for Lobster, admiring the beautiful sand from the low tide beside us.

    While we were there we decided it might be nice to go check out Parlee Beach but unfortunately when we got to the gate it was $11 to drive in and we did not have a budget for that. I personally thought that was a little steep to access a beach. Onto the main road again, I mentioned that for some reason I thought I had seen a Lobster Dinner sign on our way to the pier in something that looked like an old house. We did the slow drive-by of the pretty town scanning each and every sign for the Lobsta'.  Just when I was beginning to lose hope, there it was! A small restaurant nestled in the trees with the Lobster Dinner Meal sign out front. We swerved into the parking lot and hustled in, mouths watering. It was such a great little restaurant with a cool outdoor covered patio and a tropical fish tank. We ordered our 1 lb. lobster meal with butter and house salad for $10.95 and were pleased as could be! While waiting for our meal we explored the restaurant a bit and discovered the lobster tank. We watched our lobsters be taken out and weighed and then we met the lobster of all lobsters...a 25 lb. giant who ruled the tank! He was massive and I couldn't believe the size of his claws! The waitress explained to us that he had been there for awhile and has become loved by the staff and probably would remain there for a long time as a lobster that big contains very little meat.
                      (picture doesn't even really show how BIG it was)
    The rest of the restaurant was really unique as well because they had actually converted the old house into a restaurant. So each room upstairs and downstairs had been transformed into eating areas creating intimate little nooks in each room. What a great place for a romantic dinner!  Back in the covered patio our lobster arrived and I could hardly wait to get my hands messy. The lobster was fantastic as expected and tasted fresh as could be. The salad was great as well with an in-house made zesty dressing that cut the richness of the lobster, refreshing your palate. I was in heaven for those 35 minutes while I searched out every last piece of meat... now I was on the East coast.

    If my memory serves me right, it was called the Green House Restaurant, and it is located on your left side (going east) before the first set of lights. If you find yourself in Chediac make sure to visit this wonderful little restaurant as you will not be disappointed! If you want more information on Shediac visit the towns helpful website:

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