Leaving the lush greenery of the lower mainland behind, you eventually drive through the canyon, over hills, dips and corners. The Fraser river looks beautiful from above, and at some points of the drive you are right at eye level with the furious rapids roaring over the car sized boulders. I find the orange coloured sandstone cliffs to be the most amazing sight to see, as the eroded layers reveal briefly just how old the land is.
Next are the narrow tunnels (remember to hold your breath), which take you through the sides of the mountains leading you eventually onward to Cache Creek, Clinton and finally to 100 Mile House. It is amazing to think how within 4 hours you can reach two such opposite landscapes and climates! British Columbia is such a beautiful province that offers us absolutely everything, from glacier covered mountains, world acclaimed vineyards, sandy beaches and hours of hiking. I am so proud to call British Columbia my home and although I want to travel the world, I know that I am indeed standing in one of the most beautiful places on earth. So, close your Sunquest travel book, close your Cancun desktop screen saver, and take a moment to look at your own paradise, it's right outside your window.